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2025新服務個人陪購服務現已接受預約 !!! 2025 new service personal shopping service open for reservation!

Colour Analysis / Styling / Personal Shopping Service

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Event & Collaboration

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Colouring Your Life!

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企業合作 Event / Collaboration


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clincolour 服務 l Our Service

個人色彩分析/個人形象分析/個人陪同購物 l Colour Analysis/Personal Styling/Personal Shopping

探索個人色彩 、風格 、臉型 、身型 、比例、圖案、材質

Explore your best colour and find your style personality, face shape, body shape, scale, pattern, texture
Furthermore, share styling mix & match on-site at the store and accompany fitting and purchasing!

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個人色彩分析聯乘藝術工作坊 l Colour Analysis plus art workshop


Experience with colour analysis service, and make your own colour palette ornaments by using Zentangle, fluid art, alcohol ink art, aroma stone and accessories

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企業/品牌合作 l Corporate / Brand Collaboration Event


Business event & collaboration or group workshops not limited to personal colour analysis service and art event

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訂製產品服務 l Personalized Customization Gift Service


Provide personalized customization gift service by different occasions in terms of birthdays, weddings, company souvenirs, etc.

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產品售賣 l Product Sale


There are three sale locations by sale our products (piggy bank, cat, soap dispenser etc.)
2)Hong Kong Art Centre

場地租用 l Venue Rental Service


clincolour studio is located in Tak Sing Industrial Building, 28A Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, 8-minute walk from theNgau Tau Kok station. The venue covers an area of about 500 square feet, with an activity area, leisure area, sales area and a separate dining space, which can accommodate about 20 people

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關於色彩分析 l About Colour Analysis

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個人色彩分析聯乘藝術工作坊 l Personal Colour Analysis Plus Art Workshop

個人色彩分析服務 (Personal Colour Analysis)
.透過各身體部位分析個人主色調 ,並套用於個人形象,提升自信、改善印象

Analysis your colour type through body part , and apply it to personal image to enhance self-confidence and improve impression

體驗個人色彩分析,透過藝術(流體畫、酒精墨水畫、擴香石等)親手製作屬於自己色彩的生活精品、飾物,把色彩融入生活中,Colouring Your Life!

Experience with colour analysis service, and make your own colour palette ornaments by using fluid art, alcohol ink art, aroma stone and accessories, add colour into life!


clincolour 個人色彩產品 l clincolour Personal Colour Collection


Besides, providing colour analysis service, we sell art-related products combined with personal colouring, and we also have personalized customization gift services. Don't hesitate to contact us!


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