我們客戶 l Our Client
Meta Indonesia
個人色彩分析工作坊 l Personal Colour Analysis Workshop
Meta Indonesia 邀請我們為他們的亞太區團隊舉辦個人色彩工作坊,讓他們瞭解“個人色彩”,這主要適用於他們的職場服裝、配飾、化妝品等
Meta 印尼區 invited us to hold a personal colour workshop for their Asia Pacific boarding team to understand “personal color”, which is mainly applicable to their workplace, testing for clothing, accessories, cosmetics, etc
Hong Kong Jockey Club
個人色彩分析服務 l Personal Colour Analysis Service
With the theme of Sa Sa Ladies' Purse Day 2024, members of The Racing Club are invited to understand their personal colour and image especially with face shape and colour, and choose a hat that suits their face shape and colour
SOGO Hong Kong
個人色彩分析服務 l Personal Colour Analysis Service
Holding for 2 days on-site live event offering 15 minutes for SOGO VIP guest in SOGO Hong Kong. Finding their best of colour palette applied into accessories, hair, eyewear and cosmetics
FILA Hong Kong
個人色彩分析服務 l Personal Colour Analysis Service
Holding for 4 hours on-site live event offering 15 minutes per guest in FILA Hong Kong. Finding their best of colour palette applied into accessories, hair, eyewear and cosmetics and linkage to their new collection jacket
個人色彩分析服務 l Personal Colour Analysis Service
在 The Grounds 舉辦為期兩天的彭博私人活動,為彭博不同國籍的客人探索個人色彩。 此外,他們也了解什麼樣的配件(金色或銀色)、化妝品(暖色調或冷色調)更適合自己
Holding for 2 days of Bloomberg’s private event in The Grounds Hong Kong, explore personal colouring among different nationalities. Furthermore, they also learn what kind of accessories (gold or silver), cosmetics (warm or cool tone) are more suitable for them
Hysan Development
個人色彩及形象分析講座 l Personal Colour Analysis & Styling Lecture
Holding 1 hour lecture about styling and colour analysis , shared how colour and image can further enhance trust and professionalism for different department
個人色彩及形象分析工作坊 l Personal Colour Analysis & Styling Workshop
Holding a styling and colour analysis workshop for different department in LINK REIT, to share how colour and image can enhance trust from customers and help close
deals with clients
LVMH Fresh
個人色彩分析服務 l Personal Colour Analysis Service
To cooperate with beauty brand – Fresh for holding
a team-building annual kick-off event in Pondside Hong
Kong. Exploring personal colouring to apply into cosmetics,
eyewear, outfit and learn what kind of accessories (gold or silver), are more suitable for them
Popular Hong Kong
個人色彩及形象分析工作坊 l Personal Colour Analysis & Styling Workshop
Holding a styling and colour analysis workshop for staffs in Popular Hong Kong, to share how colour and styling can enhance different personalities and build connections.
Soho House Hong Kong
個人色彩分析服務 l Personal Colour Analysis Service
To explore personal colour among different industries and nationalities. In terms of accessories, they also learn which kind of accessories (gold or silver) are more suitable for them
個人色彩及形象分析工作坊 l Personal Colour Analysis & Styling Workshop
Holding a colour analysis & styling workshop for nearly 100 university students, to share how to choose colour and style wisely when they attend for interview
Arup Group Limited
色彩分析聯乘手繪月球燈工作坊 l Colour Analysis And Hand Paint Moon Lamp Workshop
30 students experienced about colour analysis, then made hand-painted moon lamp with the theme of their favourite colour
色彩分析聯乘手繪月球燈工作坊 l Colour Analysis And Hand Paint Moon Lamp Workshop
50 students experienced about colour analysis, then made hand-painted moon lamp with the theme of their favourite colour to celebrate mid-autumn festival
W Hotel Hong Kong
色彩分析聯乘手繪月球燈及豬仔錢罌工作坊 l Colour Analysis And Hand Paint Moon Lamp & Piggy Bank Workshop
20 students made hand-painted moon lamp and piggy bank with the theme of their favorite colour
Oriental Watch Company
色彩分析聯乘流體畫音樂盒工作坊 l Colour Analysis And Pour Painting Music Box Workshop
東方表行推出全新形象廣告,以 「Take Your Time 」其中之一個感官 - 聽覺做今次活動主題
Oriental Watch Company launched a newest branding campaign called "Take Your Time" - Listen, which was used as a theme for this event
YF Life Insurance
萬通保險小太空人訓練計劃 x 手繪月球燈工作坊 l 2023 YF Life Jr. Space Camp Program x Hand Paint Moon Lamp Workshop
配合「萬通保險小太空人訓練計劃」,訂購十二個月球燈畀嘉賓,另外八位「萬通保險小太空人」發揮創意,整佢哋心目中嘅月球燈,It Is Possible! 💪🏻
Along with 2023 YF Life Jr. Space Camp Program, they ordered 12 moon lamp. Furthermore, 8 astronaut made hand-painted moon lamp with the theme of their favourite colour of the moon. It is Possible!
Worldwide International Hotel
色彩分析聯乘手繪月球燈工作坊 l Colour Analysis And Hand Paint Moon Lamp Workshop
As Mid-Autumn Festival is coming soon, 28 students made hand-painted moon lamp with the theme of their favorite colour of the moon
色彩分析聯乘流體畫音樂盒工作坊 l Colour Analysis And Pour Painting Music Box Workshop
For the first part of workshop, to discover personal colouring and students heal the soul by art and made pour painting music box with the theme of their favorite colour
Soho House Hong Kong
色彩分析及流體畫仙人掌錢罌工作坊 l Colour Analysis And Cataus Money Box Workshop
10 students made pour painting cactus money box with their favorite colour as the theme
International Company
色彩分析聯乘流體畫豬仔錢罌工作坊 l Colour Analysis And Piggy Bank Workshop
20 students came to clincolour's studio to make piggy bank with their favorite colour
International Insurance Company
色彩分析聯乘手繪月球燈工作坊 l Colour Analysis And Hand Paint Moon Lamp Workshop
28 students learned the importance of colour analysis and their own main dominant, and made hand-painted moon lamp with the theme of their favorite colour of the moon