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聖誕節及農曆新年優惠大激賞: 個人色彩及形象分析服務75折優惠 記得去IG預約!

clincolour會員積分計劃 l clincolour Membership Reward Program



  • 免費註冊為會員後,您便會自動加入「clincolour會員積分獎賞計劃」。凡惠顧任何clincolour的服務 HK$1可賺取1積分 (運費、税項、加購產品及禮物卡不包括在內) ,賺取之積分以每張訂單的實際結賬金額計算。
  • 賺取之積分須於下一次購物時才可兌換使用。
  • 有關累積的積分可於您的會籍計劃開始計起365日內使用。
  • 如未有使用有關積分,系統將會在有效期後自動被註銷歸零計算,不設補發,不作另行通知。
  • 已兌換的獎賞優惠碼,有效期為365天。如在有效期內仍未使用完畢,已兌換的獎賞優惠碼將於有效期過後自動失效,恕不補發
  • 此會員計劃僅適用於clincolour官網購物。所有零售商購物、舊有訂單、非經網站登入落單(包括但不限於電話、Whatsapp、電郵落單者),有關上述方法的購物客戶均無法賺取、兌換及/或使用此會員計劃內的積分。
  • 員於網站購物必須於結帳前登入方能賺取及/或使用積分。訪客身份結帳將不能獲得、賺取及/或使用積分。
  • 如交易前未有登入。該次落單所賺取積分將會作廢,積分不能追溯,恕不補發。 如有取消訂單/退款/訂單中有加購產品/禮物卡/運費等,積分將稍後作扣除及將會作廢。
  • 所有積分及已兌換的優惠券均沒有貨幣價值,不能兌換現金。
  • 每張訂單只能使用一個已換取的獎賞碼兌換折扣及/或兌換免費產品。所有兌換的折扣優惠不可與其他優惠同時使用。如有不合適使用,本公司有權收取有關的折扣差額。
  • 換取的獎賞折扣及/或免費產品所需要的積分及/或產品 / 獎賞折扣有權隨時修改而不作另行通知。
  • 積分僅在同一會員帳戶內累積,無法合併計算、轉讓、共用。所有紀錄以clincolour電腦系統為計算依據。
  • 所有積分將會以本公司電腦系統記錄為準, 如有任何爭議,clincolour將會保留一切最終決定權。
  • clincolour保留隨時以任何方式終止及/或修改此獎勵計劃的條款及細則一切決定權。恕不另行通知。

Membership and Reward Program Policy:

  • After registering as a member for free, you will automatically join the "clincolour Member Points Reward Program".If you paid any clincolour service, you can earn 1 point for HK $1 (shipping, taxes, additional products and gift cards are not included). The points earned are calculated based on the actual checkout amount of each order.
  • The points earned can only be redeemed for use on the next purchase.
  • The accumulated points can be used within 365 days from the start of your membership program.
  • If several points are not used, the system will automatically be cancelled and returned to zero after the validity period. No reissue will be made without further notice.
  • This membership program is only applicable to shopping on clincolour's official website.For all retail purchases, old orders, and orders that are not logged in through the website (including but not limited to those who place orders by phone, Whatsapp, and email),  customers related to the above methods cannot earn, redeem, and/or use the points in this membership program.
  • Members must log in before checkout to earn and/or use points for shopping on the website.You will not be able to earn, earn and/or use points for checkout as a visitor.
  • If you have not logged in before the transaction.The points earned for this order will be void, the points cannot be traced back, and will not be reissued. If the order is cancelled/refunded/there are purchased products/gift cards/shipping costs, etc. in the order, the points will be deducted later and will be void.
  • All points and redeemed coupons have no monetary value and cannot be exchanged for cash.
  • Each order can only use one redeemed reward code to redeem discounts and/or redeem free products.All redeemed discounts cannot be used in conjunction with other offers.If it is not suitable for use, the company has the right to charge the relevant discount difference.
  • The points and/or product/reward discounts required for redemption of reward discounts and/or free products have the right to be modified at any time without prior notice.
  • Points are only accumulated in the same member account and cannot be combined, transferred, or shared.All records are calculated based on the clincolour computer system.
  • All points will be subject to the company's computer system records. In case of any dispute, clincolour reserves the right of final decision.
  • clincolour reserves the right to terminate and/or modify the terms and conditions of this reward program in any way at any time.Without notice.


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