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聖誕節及農曆新年優惠大激賞: 個人色彩及形象分析服務75折優惠 記得去IG預約!

色彩分析及流體畫飾物工作坊(時裝打扮範疇)l Colour Analysis And Pour Painting Jewellery Workshop (Fashion Styling Related)

Zoom 色彩分析及流體畫飾物工作坊(時裝打扮範疇)l Colour Analysis And Pour Painting Jewellery Workshop (Fashion Styling Related)
Zoom 色彩分析及流體畫飾物工作坊(時裝打扮範疇)l Colour Analysis And Pour Painting Jewellery Workshop (Fashion Styling Related)
Zoom 色彩分析及流體畫飾物工作坊(時裝打扮範疇)l Colour Analysis And Pour Painting Jewellery Workshop (Fashion Styling Related)
Zoom 色彩分析及流體畫飾物工作坊(時裝打扮範疇)l Colour Analysis And Pour Painting Jewellery Workshop (Fashion Styling Related)
Zoom 色彩分析及流體畫飾物工作坊(時裝打扮範疇)l Colour Analysis And Pour Painting Jewellery Workshop (Fashion Styling Related)
Zoom 色彩分析及流體畫飾物工作坊(時裝打扮範疇)l Colour Analysis And Pour Painting Jewellery Workshop (Fashion Styling Related)
Zoom 色彩分析及流體畫飾物工作坊(時裝打扮範疇)l Colour Analysis And Pour Painting Jewellery Workshop (Fashion Styling Related)
Zoom 色彩分析及流體畫飾物工作坊(時裝打扮範疇)l Colour Analysis And Pour Painting Jewellery Workshop (Fashion Styling Related)

- 工作坊時間:2小時

- 工作坊內容:
(3)製作2款專屬你的流體畫飾物 (頸鏈/戒指/髮圈)

- 提升個人形象及色彩配搭技巧,有助提升魅力及自信

*作品風乾需時3-5日 ,收到通知後可到工作室取回作品

Workshop Introduction
- Workshop Duration:2 hours
- Scope of Workshop:
(1)Understand the background and application of colour analysis
(2)Find your own colour type
(3)Make your own 2 collections of jewelleries (necklace ; ring or hairband) by apply with your own colour type
- Enhance personal image and colour mix & matching skills to help improve attractiveness and self-confidence

*Please noted that it takes 3-5 days for dry out. please come to the studio to collect your work when you have received message
*The number of people in the workshop must be 2 in minimum, and a maximum of 8 people in 1 class 
*When processing the payment, please provide your contact number so that we can contact you for making reservation for the workshop


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