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2025新服務個人陪購服務現已接受預約 !!! 2025 new service personal shopping service open for reservation!

關於clincolour l About clincolour

clincolour在2021年7月中成立,clincolour = clinic + colour,為你「診斷」最合適的顏色,並「製作」你的專屬藝術作品,Colouring Your Life!

我們以色彩聯乘藝術為主題,除了提供專業色彩分析及形象分析服務,並讓你透過藝術創作,更了解自己的喜好。運用色彩碰撞,讓生活變得更加多姿多彩!合適的顏色讓你外在散發出光芒、呈現出更年輕及具魅力的一面; 助你內在建立自信,改善情緒;更可透過製作你的專屬藝術作品,讓情緒流動,療癒心靈

clincolour was established in mid-July 2021, clincolour = clinic + colour, to "diagnose" the most suitable colour palette for you, and "make" your exclusive works of art, Colouring Your life!

With the theme of colour featuring with art, we not only provide professional colour analysis and styling services, but also allow you to better understand your preferences through artistic creation. Use the collision of colour to make life more colourful! The best colour allows you to show a younger and more attractive side; helps you build self-confidence; you can also make your own works of art to let emotions flow and heal your soul.

👩🏻‍🎨 導師介紹 l About Tutor

創辦人兼導師 (Chloe) 在廣告行業擁有多年的經驗,更考獲國際公認男士及女士色彩形象顧問。她對色彩的熱情和專業知識將運用到不同場合。她曾與不同的知名公司、企業、學校、機構合作舉辦色彩分析及形象分析活動、講座及藝術工作坊,如領展、香港崇光百貨、香港中文大學、東方表行、希慎物業管理有限公司等。

The founder and mentor (Chloe) brings years of experience in the advertising industry, specializing as a certified colour consultant and stylist for both men and women. Her passion and expertise in colour will ensure that art and fashion choices are on point. She has worked with different prestigious establishments, enterprise, school and organisation for event, lecture and art related workshop such as LINK REIT, SOGO HK, CUHK, Oriental Watch Company Limited , Hysan etc.

我們的工作室場地色彩鮮艷,配合色彩分析以顏色為主題,適合專業拍攝、閨蜜打卡及團體聚會 Our studio venue is very colourful, with colour analysis and colour as the theme, suitable for professional shooting, friends and group gatherings

clincolour 提供以下服務

. 企業、公司、學校、機構合作

clincolour provides the following services -
.Personal Colour Analysis & Styling services
.Artistic creation workshop (with colour analysis as the theme, such as pour painting, alcohol ink art etc.)
.Personalized Customisation Gift Service
.Venue Rental Service
.Personal Colour And Art-related Products

關於個人色彩及形象分析服務 l About Personal Colour Analysis & Styling Service


個人顏色及藝術相關產品售賣 l Personal Colour And Art-related Products


We also sell art-related products combined with personal colouring, such as pour painting ornaments and metal trays, alcohol ink art, aroma stone, etc., and we also have personalized customization gift services. Don't hesitate to contact us!


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