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2025新服務個人陪購服務現已接受預約 !!! 2025 new service personal shopping service open for reservation!

關於clincolour工作坊 l About clincolour Workshop

clincolour 的服務/工作坊以色彩分析聯乘藝術為主題,主要分做兩個範疇(時裝打扮及家居/辦公室擺設)透過各種服務/工作坊,讓大家了解色彩分析的重要性及尋找自己的主色調,用顏色找回自我精神上;療癒心靈丶改善情緒丶增加自信心!外表上;散發出光芒丶呈現出更具年輕及魅力的一面。把專屬自己的顏色放在隨身物品包括衣服丶飾品到家居擺設,以顏色來建立自我丶豐富自己,使生活變得更多姿多彩吧!

clincolour's service focus on the theme of colour analysis and the art creation. It divided into two categories (fashion styling and home/office furnishings). Through various workshops and service, help customer to understand the importance of colour analysis and find their best of colour and colour type. Using the theme of colour to find yourself. Heal the soul, improve mood through mentally, and increase self-confidence and become more attractive! On the external side, it makes your eyes sparkle, looks younger and gives your skin a healthy, flawless appearance. Apply with your colour on your belongings, including clothes, accessories, and home furnishings. Use colour to build yourself, enrich yourself, and make life more colourful!


Personal colour analysis & styling service (fashion styling category)

個人色彩及形象分析服務(時裝打扮範疇)Personal colour analysis & styling service (fashion styling category)

.女士或男士個人色彩分析服務 (30種或42種色彩)

.Female or Male personal colour analysis service (30 or 42 colours)
.Female or Male styling service
.Colour analysis and pour painting jewellery workshop (fashion styling category



Colour analysis workshop (home or office furnishings related)

色彩分析工作坊(家居或辦公室擺設相關範疇)Colour analysis workshop (home or office furnishings related)


.Colour Analysis and Hand Paint Galaxy Lamp Workshop
.Colour Analysis and Pour Painting Workshop
.Colour Analysis and Alcohol Ink Art Workshop
.Colour Analysis and Herbarium Workshop
.Colour Analysis and Aroma Stone Workshop



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